24 May 2007

Okay, I'm obviously not very good at this... yet

After a couple of months of not writing - wait, no, several months without a word - it's become clear to me that I'm obviously not very good at this whole blogging thing. But that's got to change, and fast, because in less than a month this blog will be one of my only means of staying connected to the "real" world and all the people I once knew within it.

Announcement: I'm moving to Africa. Africa? Yes, Africa. Why? Why Not. Well, that and there's this Danish guy I'm rather quite fond of (you may have heard) and he's taking me with him... :-)

While this is going to be adventurous, fun and exciting and all that, I'm not delusional about how hard it's going to be. I see many lonely hours ahead of me in a country where I can't yet communicate with anyone and I spend most of my day at home in a big empty flat, worrying about whether or not I have malaria.

So I think I'll fill the time, or at least some of it, by telling you all about the voodoo nonsense I just witnessed at the market, or how awkward it is to have a cook/maid (apparently she kind of comes with the place) that you can't even speak to, and how hot, hot, HOT it is outside.

At least I'll have my thesis to keep me company. Might have to follow kimananda's lead and name him. I'm going to need a friend. And I suppose I'll also have French. Now there's a challenge.

But for now, it's vaccinations (Tetanus, Hep A, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Meningitis, and Cholera all in one day), visas, plane tickets, and packing. Oh, and of course, worrying. Worrying incessantly about things I have absolutely no control over. At least then you're mentally prepared :)


kimananda said...

Good to have you back! Do use this as a way of letting all of us back in the boring world know what all exciting's happening. :-)

Anonymous said...

And she is back : )