07 August 2007

In Wonderland

It's been more than a month and a half now since we arrived in Africa and I realise that I've lost a surprising amount of any sense of "normality" I once had.

This life - the one in which I look different from everyone else; in which even 5-year-olds are capable of pounding out complicated rhythms on drums and dancing in ways that would make church ladies uncomfortable; in which I regularly stop the car to let goats and chickens cross the street; in which I instinctively hold my breath as mopeds spewing blue exhaust whiz past me on my morning run; in which old men and young boys walk down the street wielding machetes; in which I look through the bars of the livg room window to watch little boys race tires through puddles with sticks; in which voodoo is regarded as fact; in which nothing is quite as it first appears- this life, has become normal. And as a result, I'm finding it more and more difficult to describe Africa.

I've never been able to keep a journal - in part because my sisters could sniff one out and pick the lock in minutes, and in part because I could never bring myself to scribble nonsense in the blank pages of a beautiful book. It's the same with this blog. Nothing seems worthy of broadcasting to the world. It's all too mundane and typical, even if I know it's not.

And so it begins to feel like a chore - keeping this blog up to date - , but a chore for which I am most thankful. Without it, I wouldn't be forced to reflect, I wouldn't be forced to remember. I am Alice, and this is my Wonderland.


Unknown said...

Nice reflection Kari, and I love to hear about your normal life!

New Hampshire said...

I'm not so sure you were worried about your sisters

Anonymous said...

Bring on the normal life! As long as you keep us updated (sporadically at least) : )

Kari said...

new hampshire, I think you're right. And I think we both know who it was I was worried about! :)