02 July 2007


Mangos are delicious! Also, people really do carry things around on their heads. Anything, and all the time.


kimananda said...

Yes, they are certainly delicious. Are they more delicious there than in Europe? I'd imagine yes just because of climate/shipping taking away flavor from the European ones.

Anonymous said...

Ah I can finally post something! There was a kind of machination against me who allow me to read your post but not to reply... hehe :-)
It was nice to see a picture of your famous dog
And I am very excited for you about the equestrian club and the riding in line thing. Now I know you will survive, and be happy :-)
Yes the fruits are great. Did you try those "strange" huge straight bananas?

Kari said...

Yes, much more delicious. The flavor is stronger and they are freshly brought in from nearby villages so they're perfectly ripe. Local people bring them to the city in old cars so full that look like they were tipped on one end and had the mangos poured in!

Kari said...

Haven't seen the bananas yet. I'll have to keep an eye out for them! Are they good?

Anonymous said...

Oh my, mangoes. Nearly every Queensland backyard has a mango tree (okay, maybe every second backyard).
Please have one or nine for me!