06 July 2007

Cosy with Castells

It's been nearly a week since the guys left and I think it's justified for me to start feeling a little lonely now. A text message this morning from T saying he'd be home tomorrow made me so giddy I'm still embarrassed for myself. Must remember not to jump on him in the doorway when he arrives. The poor man hasn't had a moment for himself since we got here.

Loneliness is not the same as boredom, even if many people let one lead to the other. I am not bored. Creating a list of things to do has never been a problem for me. The challenge is checking things off that list. For some reason I feel like this entire week was robbed from me. I didn't seem to get anything I planned to do done.

Robbed I tell you, first by the movers who never came, then by the inertia of heat and humidity, then by a house that seems to require daily visits from the electrician and plumber, and finally - worst of all - by one Manuel Castells and his Network Society. T, come home quickly; I'm spending all my time with another man.


Anonymous said...

What is it with Castells? He has now appeared, been mentioned in a few blog posts. Mind you I used him as a coaster for my coffee pot, Kimananda put him to work as a paper weight, please don't tell us you are actually reading him! : )

Glad T is coming home soon. Be good to finally have some time just the two of you.

theblackscorpio said...

I'm reading this guy. Now I almost feel bad :o)

kimananda said...

You mean you're actually reading him? Please precis him for me, as I really need to have read him at some point (this book of his, and several others).

theblackscorpio said...

I said I _read_ him. That is not the same as understanding, or even remembering him XD

kimananda said...

Well, then, KB, the future of our understanding of Castells rests on your shoulders. No pressure or anything, mind....